Thursday, February 18, 2010

Council Goals

At Tuesday's meeting, the City Council approved their 12 - 24 month list of goals. Thanks to the wide variety of input submitted in August and September of 2009, the Council was able to add to, refine, and clarify quite a few of the goal approved last year. Thank you, again, to everyone who took the time to submit their feedback regarding the goals.

As you can see below, Council has set some challenging and exciting goals for itself:


The City Council has set goals for the next 12 to 24 months to continue Ashland’s history as a community that focuses on sustaining itself and its people. To us, sustainability means using, developing and protecting resources at a rate and in a manner that enables people to meet their current needs and also provides that future generations can meet their own needs. The City of Ashland has a responsibility towards sustainability in six primary areas:
o Economy
o Environment
o Social Equity
o Municipal Organization
o Public Facilities
o Partnerships

Develop and implement a comprehensive economic development strategy for the purpose of:
o Diversifying the economic base of the community
o Supporting creation and growth of businesses that use and provide local and regional products
o Increasing the number of family-wage jobs in the community
o Leveraging the strengths of Ashland’s tourism and repeat visitors

Develop an implementing strategy for funding infrastructure and public facilities for economic development projects.

Increase the clarity, responsiveness, and certainty of the development process.

Develop an integrated land use and transportation plan to increase the viability of transit, bicycles, walking and other alternative modes of transportation; reduce per capita automobile vehicle miles traveled; provide safe walking and bicycling routes to home, work, shopping and schools; implement environmentally responsible design standards, and minimize new automobile-related infrastructure.

Adopt an integrated Water Master Plan that addresses long-term water supply including climate change issues, security and redundancy, watershed health, conservation and reuse, and stream health.

Implement specific capital projects and operational programs to ensure that City facilities and operations are a model of efficient use of water, energy, land, and other key resources.

Adopt land use codes, building codes, green building standards, and fee structures that creates strong incentives for new development that is energy, water, and land efficient and supports a multi-modal transportation system.

Develop a strategy to use conservation and local renewable sources to meet Tier 2 power demands.

Plan for low-water years by:
o Implementing a public information and technical assistance campaign that encourages summer time conservation.
o Consider the options for a summer time surcharge to encourage efficient irrigation practices prior to June 1, 2010.

Complete the sale of a portion of the Clay Street Property to Parks and Recreation and decide whether to develop or sell the remaining land. *This goal was modified

Facilitate efforts to address homelessness by:
o Replacing services previously provided by ICCA.
o Developing an emergency shelter for minors.
o Better connect services available in Jackson County to Ashland's homeless.
o Ensure Jackson County's 10 Year Plan addresses the specific issues faced in Ashland.

Develop plan for fiscal stability, manage costs, prioritize services, and insure key revenue streams for the City and Parks & Recreation.

Address issues the stability of the organization including employee recruitment and retention; succession planning; and effective and increased use of citizen volunteers.

Develop a plan to replace Fire Station #2.

Define a long term strategy for the Ashland Fiber Network that improves its financial viability, provides high quality services to residents, and promotes healthy economic development.

Foster strong collaboration of the local community, City, State and Federal leaders in efforts to improve the health of the Ashland watershed through reducing fire hazards and restoring forest health.

Advocate for the long-term viability of rail service to and through Ashland and encourage the use of rail through land use, transportation, and economic development planning.


So, what do you think about the adopted goals?