Thursday, April 7, 2011

April 4 and 5 One Minute Minutes

Here is the summary of Monday and Tuesday night’s meetings.

April 4, 2011 Study Session

Council Goal Work Plan. Council reviewed the draft work plan. They expressed concern about not having a study session on the economic development strategy until June 20, and they requested staff come back to Council in fall 2011, to discuss the strategies and actions the City could implement to avoid purchasing Tier 2 power from Bonneville Power Administration.

Clarification of three Council Goals. Council agreed their intent was to create a City Sustainability Plan and assign the task to the Conservation Commission. Conservation Commission can invite the participation of members of other City advisory groups as needed. Councilors will send an email to staff indicating which of the Commission they will meet with to review possible changes to the powers, duties and membership. Council clarified that they want to create a recognition program for people who volunteer for the City of Ashland.

Plaza Improvements. Councilors Chapman and Morris discussed their idea for low-cost and easy-to-implement improvements for the Plaza. Council requested all plans and recommendations be presented to the Council for final approval.

April 5, 2011 Regular Meeting

Executive Session. Council discussed threatened litigation and employment of a public official.

Special Presentations. Oregon Department of Forestry staff presented the City with its 26 annual Tree City USA recognition.

Consent Agenda.
Consent items were approved including:
1. Minutes of the Boards, Commissions and Committees
2. Appointment of Sandra Friend to the Public Art Commission
3. The City’s Risk Management Report
4. The City’s purchasing practices or participation in the national coalition promoting changes in factory working conditions
5. The City Administrator or her delegate to sign the Residential Exchange Program Settlement agreement with Bonneville Power Authority
6. An order amending the 1994 Ashland Gun Club Lease to extend the lease by four months and move discussion of the new lease to July 2011
7. An Intergovernmental Agreement to join the regional Emergency Notification System managed by Jackson County, Oregon.

VIII.1. Public Hearing to allocate Community Development Block Grant funds.
Council approved allocating $30,000 to St. Vincent DePaul to continue their rental/payment utilities assistance program and $163,142 to ACCESS to purchase the affordable housing lots on the Buds Dairy property.

VIII.2. Public Hearing on appeal of a decision to terminate utility service.
Council voted to uphold the staff decision to discontinue City Utility Services to Lisa Grant until the account has been paid in full.

X.1. Caldera Annexation.
Council adopted the findings for the approval of annexation of the properties at 590 Clover Lane that will be used for the expansion of Caldera.

X.2. 85 Winburn Way.
This agenda item is continued to May 3.

X.3 and .4 Homelessness Next Steps.
• Council approved a revised Council goal and a purpose statement for the ad hoc Homelessness Steering Committee.
• Council adopted the resolution creating an ad hoc Homelessness Steering Committee with the inclusion of two Council liaisons. Council also modified the resolution to require the Committee report to the Council quarterly.
• Council approved the appointment of nine citizens to the Committee and the appointment of Councilor Slattery and Voisin as liaisons to the committee.
• Council voted to assign the short-term strategies to the Homelessness Steering Committee except Exclusionary Areas.
• Council voted to table discussion of Exclusionary Zones.

XII.1. Ordinance moving business license fees out of the City Code.
Council approved first reading of the business license ordinance.

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